Rev Robert Francis Coghlan PE
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Date of Birth: 02/04/1938
Date of Ordination: 24/07/1965
Archdiocese of Melbourne
Robert (Bob) Francis Coghlan 2/04/1938 – 24/03/2018
Bob was ordained at St Patrick's Cathedral on 24 July 1965 by Archbishop Simonds and has given priestly witness for over fifty two years serving as Assistant Priest at the parishes of Geelong, South Yarra, Cheltenham, Gardenvale and Mitcham, as Administrator of Balwyn North, Lilydale and Hampton Park. He served as Parish Priest of Heidelberg (1979), Spotswood (1984), West Melbourne (1989), Healesville (1995) and Ringwood (2004). Due to his declining health he retired in 2006 as Pastor Emeritus initially living independently, then at George Maher House and more recently at Mercy Place Rice Village.
Throughout his ministry, Bob endeavoured to serve his people faithfully. He found his involvement in Catholic Charismatic Renewal in 1970's provided a new encounter with the Risen Lord which brought focus to his personal life and the lives to those he ministered. He enjoyed liturgical music and receiving great pleasure through his involvement with Church choirs. His personal health brought him challenges along the way, but this never impeded his desire to respond to the care of his people. While a quiet man by personality, he had a wonderful sense of humour and quick wit. He was a kind and charitable man whose generosity to many will be fondly remembered.
Bob was blessed by the attentive care of his family, friends, Clergy Care Team, MTP and fellow priests who have accompanied through these days of illness into the Promise of God.
He now rests in peace.